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A smoking pipe is a pipe that is specifically made to smoke tobacco. Typically, it will consist of a chamber (the bowl) for the combustion of material and a thin stem (shank) ending in a mouthpiece (the bit). Pipes can range from the very simple machine-made briar pipe to highly-prized handmade and artful implements created by renowned pipe makers which are often very expensive collector's items.

Pipes here including glass pipes, metal pipes, wooden pipes, silicone pipes, stone pipes, smokeless pipes and silicone pipes are also called dry pipes that means using without water. Agung is the most popular brand for dry pipes. PieceMaker is outstanding for silicone pipes.

Happy New Year 2024! We have brought and will bring more discounts for more and more products. For example, 30% off WEGE bongs, 25% off Agung glass bongs, 30% off secret stashes, 30% off dry pipes, and 30% off grinders!